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Updated: January 28, 2020

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When is the Best Fourth dimension to Visit Rome, Italy?

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The best times to become to Rome are during April (aside from Easter week), May, and September when the atmospheric condition is warm but non as well hot for visiting major outdoor attractions, similar the Colosseum, Palatine Loma, and Roman Forum. Avoid visiting in August when the weather is stifling hot and many Romans leave for a month-long holiday. Winter brings cooler temperatures and rain, but snow is rare; this is the best fourth dimension for avoiding crowds at the most popular sights.

View of the Roman Forum from Palatine Hill in Rome, Italy

The best time to go to Rome is April, May, September, and October.

  • Best Time to Book Hotels for Rome: The Best Hotels in Rome and the Best Hotels for Families in Rome get booked early. Try to reserve rooms at least iv months in advance.
  • Best Fourth dimension for Sightseeing in Rome: Spring, particularly mid-March and April, outside of Easter week, is a great fourth dimension to come across the sights of Rome, with the soft light reflecting off magnificent Roman monuments made of white marble. Temperatures tend to be comfortably warm, and crowds won't reach their peak for a few more than months. Late September through early November are also platonic, with the oppressive heat of Rome'southward summer replaced by pleasant sunshine and optimal daytime temperatures. Visitors tin can enjoy the changing colors by taking a stroll in Borghese Park or a walk on Appian Manner. August is the worst month to visit Rome; locals leave on vacation and the city is teeming with international visitors, which ways you'll be bumping elbows with lots of other tourists while indelible uncomfortably loftier temperatures. As many of the city'south museums are airtight on Mondays, and weekends bring the biggest crowds, the best time of week for sightseeing no matter what time of year you're in Rome, is typically Tuesday through Friday.
  • Best Fourth dimension to Run across the Vatican: Winter is by far the best fourth dimension to visit the Vatican Museums every bit you'll be able to cover a lot more ground than you'd be able to during the busier seasons. No matter when you visit, keep in mind that the Vatican museums are closed on Sundays with the exception of the final Sunday of the calendar month, when they are open and free. This is actually the worst day to visit every bit you'll have to wait in line for 3 hours or even longer. On Wednesday mornings, the museums typically have few crowds while the Pope does his audience.
  • Best Time for Shopping: The best time for shopping bargains in Rome is only subsequently the end of holiday season through mid-Feb. The winter sales depict Italians from across the country to take advantage of the great deals at mom-and-pop shops, outlets and shopping malls. This is a fourth dimension to save big on wearable, and specially good discounts tin be found on larger Italian sizes like shoes. Many stores are closed on Monday mornings, particularly the smaller ones, and during the calendar month of August when many Italians take a month-long vacation, some areas become a veritable ghost town, although most centrally-located shops stay open. No matter when you visit, Sundays are all nearly bargain hunting for fashionistas at the Mercatino del Borghetto Flaminio, where many of the nearly 200 exhibitors sell castoffs from their wealthy friends' wardrobes.
  • Best Time for Smaller Crowds: Winter is the best fourth dimension to visit Rome if you want to avert the biggest crowds, peculiarly from the 2d week of January through February, though it does tend to go busier around Valentine's Day. There are typically fewer people at all of the sights and attractions, and you might fifty-fifty enjoy spots like the Trevi Fountain practically all to yourself. If you've ever fantasized near having space to move around the Sistine Chapel, this is the time to come up. No matter when y'all visit, avoid weekend crowds and plan to come across the major sights early in the forenoon, Tuesday through Friday, for the best feel.
  • High Season (May through mid-September): High season in Rome is summer, when temperatures are loftier and you'll likely be standing in long lines as well as doing lots of walking, sweating alongside countless numbers of other tourists. There isn't a lot of shade to exist establish so you'll demand plenty of SPF, and water. The upside is that the days are long for enjoying all that the city has to offer, and the estrus is a great excuse for a gelato. Go along in heed that there are other times of the year when visitor spikes occur that are considered to be a "mini-high flavor." Those are centered around major holidays and big events, including Easter and the week before, known every bit holy calendar week, as well as ane to two weeks before Christmas and just into the new year.
  • Shoulder Season (mid-March through early May, mid-October through November): Early spring and mid- to late-fall are considered part of the shoulder flavour. As Rome is one of the most popular cities in Europe to visit, that doesn't mean that y'all won't battle crowds, but it will be slightly less decorated and you'll likely enjoy pleasant weather for sightseeing as well. Many experience this is the best time to visit – though that also means that you're unlikely to find discounted hotel rates.
  • Depression Season (late Nov through mid-December, mid-January through early on March): Low flavour is basically wintertime, though information technology begins in late November and continues through February with the exception of a few high season spikes as noted above. While Rome is popular twelvemonth round, this is the best fourth dimension to experience thinner crowds likewise as better rates on accommodation and airfare. While information technology can get a bit chilly and there are plenty of rainy days, the weather rarely dips below freezing, and there are usually a number of sunny, relatively comfy afternoons.
  • Graphic showing the best time of year to visit Rome

Rome Weather past Month

Rome Temperature by Month (loftier in Celsius)
Best time to visit Rome for best temperatures and sunny weather.

Rome Rain past Calendar month (mm)
Best time to visit Rome for the least rain.

  • Rome Weather in January: Rome is at its coldest in January, with daytime temperatures typically ranging from 8°C to thirteen°C. There are well-nigh six hours of sunshine each day and approximately 83mm of rainfall, spread out over 14 days, which means that while you lot're unlikely to exist stuck indoors all month, you volition likely need a raincoat at least some of the time. Days are relatively brusk, with sunset at about 5 pm early in the month and 5:30pm past late Jan. (Average Max Temperature: thirteen°C. Average Precipitation: 83mm.)
  • Rome Weather in February: While February is cool, things are starting to warm up a fleck, ascent an average of a degree by calendar month's cease. While it is slightly drier than January, at least a few showers and storms are likely this month, and so y'all'll all the same need that rain jacket. By the end of February, the sun doesn't set until about 6pm. (Average Max Temperature: 14°C. Boilerplate Precipitation: 76mm.)
  • Rome Weather in March: This is the month when things really kickoff to modify, ushering in the arrival of spring with average temperatures increasing from most 9°C at the beginning of the month to 12°C by the cease of March. Rainfall drops significantly, to 68 mm over 13 days, and you can expect to enjoy quite a bit more sun too. Days are getting longer, with the sun setting at 7:35 pm on March 31. As the weather can get either fashion this month, quite pleasant or chilly and drizzly, dressing in layers is your best bet. (Average Max Temperature: 17°C. Average Precipitation: 68mm.)
  • Rome Weather in Apr: Spring is in total swing in April, with flowers blooming and plenty of warm, sunny days forth with a few cool and rainy ones. While you'll have a fair chance of experiencing a shower or two, you'll also enjoy about 10 hours of sunshine each day and lots of time to have advantage of information technology with the sun going down just after 8pm past calendar month'southward end. Bring both long- and short-sleeved shirts along with a light rain jacket and you'll be set. (Boilerplate Max Temperature: 20°C. Average Atmospheric precipitation: 68mm.)
  • Rome Atmospheric condition in May: Things are really heating up now, with temperatures often idyllic and the lord's day often shining. With just 48mm of rainfall spread across x days, you'll just rarely need a rain jacket – your sunglasses, however, will come up in handy most of the fourth dimension. Later on in the month it can offset to become hot and humid, only in the afternoon a gentle breeze ofttimes sweeps through to cool things off. The lord's day doesn't set until afterward viii:thirty pm toward month's end, and subsequently night, a low-cal jacket or wrap is usually perfect for staying warm. (Average Max Temperature: 24°C. Average Precipitation: 48mm.)
  • Rome Weather condition in June: Early in June, the atmospheric condition is often idyllic, pleasantly warm, simply non too hot. Past month's stop, temperatures brainstorm to sizzle and rain is rare, with merely near 41 mm spread out over eight days. Days are quite long, with June 21st the longest day of the yr and the lord's day staying upwardly until almost 9pm. Bring loose-fitting lightweight wearable, like skirts, dresses and capris pants for women, along with a big-brimmed lid. For men, linen pants or long Bermuda shorts are common. (Boilerplate Max Temperature: 29°C. Average Precipitation: 41mm.)
  • Rome Weather in July: July is Rome'due south warmest month, with plenty of sunshine, hot temperatures, very little rain and often little or no breeze to help cool things downwards.  Many people who live and work in the metropolis get out as fast as they can during the peak of summer, and head to the coast or cooler mountain areas upwards north. Light wearable for men and women is the order of the day. The upside to July's oestrus is that the nights tend to be wonderfully warm, making eating outside and people watching after sunset, around 8:30pm past July 31, a real pleasure. (Boilerplate Max Temperature: 32°C. Average Precipitation: 23mm.)
  • Rome Weather in Baronial: Baronial is still hot and sunny, but temperatures brainstorm to absurd slightly, starting out with highs around 27°C, gradually coming down to nigh 25°C by the end of the month. The chances for rain increase too, with almost 36mm of rainfall across six days, though most of the fourth dimension if you want to absurd off you'll need to head into air-conditioned buildings or out to the coast. This is the time of year most locals take their vacation, escaping the heat past enjoying a absurd dip in the bounding main while visitors bake in the oppressive mid-day sunday. The reprieve comes as the sun goes downwardly at 7:45pm by month'due south end – a great time to take advantage of the enjoyable summer nightlife. (Average Max Temperature: thirty°C. Boilerplate Atmospheric precipitation: 36mm.)
  • Rome Conditions in September: Temperatures drop in September, with warm but pleasant weather condition. Early in the month average highs are around 23 to 24°C, merely past September'due south finish, daytime highs are typically about 19°C. Rainfall increases significantly, to 68 mm spread over nine days, so there's a take chances y'all'll demand a lite rain jacket, particularly if y'all visit in belatedly September. (Average Max Temperature: 27°C. Average Precipitation: 75mm.)
  • Rome Weather in October: Rome enjoys a refreshing chill in the air during October; the leaves on the trees brainstorm to plough cherry-red, and the conditions is generally warm during the twenty-four hours, but comfortably cool at dark. Early in the month high temperatures average around 19°C, though it tin sometimes exist warm plenty to go to the beach. Gradually, that number dips to about 15°C by the end of October. While atmospheric precipitation increases to approximately 94mm spread across 12 days, near lx percent of Oct's days bring sunshine. Every bit the country moves to Standard Time in late October, days are shorter, with sunset coming at merely after 5pm by Halloween. (Average Max Temperature: 23°C. Average Atmospheric precipitation: 94mm.)
  • Rome Weather in November: With wintertime just effectually the corner, the weather continues to cool down, averaging at 14 to 15°C early in the month, dropping to around 10°C by month's end. Come prepared for rain, but yous might be surprised by a number of beautiful days, particularly in early November, though you won't have as much lite to enjoy them in as the sun goes downwardly around 5pm the starting time half of the month, and by November 30, information technology sets at 4:40pm. (Boilerplate Max Temperature: 18°C. Boilerplate Atmospheric precipitation: 120mm.)
  • Rome Weather in December: Rome in December tends to be cold and clammy, as i of the coolest times of the year to visit the city. Average temperatures starting time off around 10°C, dipping down to 7°C to 10°C past month's end. You'll likely experience a few showers or even a small storm while you're hither, and curt days, though the earliest the sun goes down is 4:39pm during the first half of the month. Be ready for cold nights and wet days, though yous could go lucky and savour the occasional pleasantly warm solar day, just don't count on it. (Average Max Temperature: 15°C. Average Precipitation: 96mm.)

Rome Events and Festivals

Rome Events in January

  • Epiphany/La Befana – Epiphany, chosen La Befana in Italy, is a national holiday held on January 6 each yr, marking the finish of the Christmas flavour. Italian children wake upward to processed and toys in their shoes and in that location are many celebrations and parades throughout the state. In Vatican city, a procession of hundreds of people in medieval costumes walk forth the wide avenue that leads up to the Vatican, carrying symbolic gifts for the Pope. The Pope says a morning mass in St Peter's Basilica to commemorate the visit of the Wise Men bearing gifts for Jesus.
  • Post-Holiday Shopping Sales – A state-mandated sale period begins in January and lasts for six to eight weeks. While the appointment varies each yr, the sales usually begin early in the month, after La Befana, and are known for offer some incredible bargains. Look for signs in shop windows reading SALDI, which means "sales."
  • Festival of Saint Anthony – Jan 17 is another Italian holiday, though much smaller than La Befana. The feast day for Saint Anthony Abate is held at the church dedicated to him. Equally he is the patron saint of animals, i of its festivities includes the approving of animals. Pet-loving Romans bring their furry friends to be blessed, most notably at Sant'Antonio Abate on the Esquiline Colina.

Rome Events in February

  • Carnival – Carnival (Carnevale) and the beginning of Lent first as early equally February three. While nearly associate the event with Venice, Rome decided to try and revive its Carnival magic of old in 2009. Both the pre-Lenten festivities (Carnevale) and the religious processions, which begin on Ash Wednesday, are role of the tradition in the capital and the Vatican city. Many events take place in Piazza del Popolo, including choreographed equus caballus shows, races, dancers and costumed performers. There are lots of activities for kids, including free equus caballus rides in the Piazza, a merry-go-round and puppet shows. In the area around the Castel Sant' Angelo offers an especially festive temper with music and frequently a decorated artificial ice rink.
  • Valentine's Twenty-four hours (Festa di San Valentino) – Valentine'southward Twenty-four hours is celebrated very much the same way in Italia as information technology is in the U.Due south., with hearts, chocolates, dear notes and romantic candlelit dinners. A more recent tradition of locking padlocks to bridges, railings and lamp posts was started just after the release of the best-seller, Ho voglio di te (I want y'all) by Italian author Federico Moccio, which was followed by the popular movie with the same name. In the story, young lovers tie a concatenation and a padlock around a lamppost on the north side of the Milvian Bridge (Ponte Milvio) in Rome. They inscribe their names on it, lock it and throw the primal into the Tiber River below, as a wish that they will be together forever. Throughout the land, including Rome, you can spot padlocks that have been placed about bridges and all sorts of other unexpected spots too. On Valentine'due south Day, couples can too get a ii-for-1 ticket deal at all country-run museums and archaeological sites.
  • Sales – Continue to keep an eye out for those post-holiday sales, as things wind downwards, remaining items are drastically reduced.

Rome Events in March

  • Festa della Donna – International Women'due south Day is on March 8 every year, and in Italian republic it's known as Festa della Donna (Festival of Women). The day is characterized by the men giving their partner'due south bunches of xanthous mimosa flowers, taking intendance of all the household chores, cooking dinner and ending the day with a relaxing pes massage. The metropolis is overrun with mimosas, while fun opportunities abound for celebrating the mean solar day in the local restaurants and clubs.
  • Commemoration of Caesar's Death – Held on the Ides of March, March xv, a number of cultural events are unremarkably held in the Roman Forum nigh the statue of Caesar, commemorating his death, including a re-enactment of Caesar's decease that is held at the site of his assassination in the Torre Argentina archeological site. Some go far in fancy-dress costume.
  • Maratona di Roma – On the tertiary Sunday in March each yr, the Rome Marathon which draws runners from around the world, begins at the Roman Forum, passing some of the city'due south almost famous sites and the Vatican before ending at the Colosseum.
  • Easter Week – Easter week can be in March or April, though it always starts on Palm Sunday, the Dominicus before Easter. The Pope will hold a special mass in Saint Peter's Square, The holy see, including a Blessing of the Palms at Holy Mass. On Holy Th, or Maundy Thursday an unusual mass that brings fewer crowds and a better chance of seeing the Pope will be held in the forenoon. On Good Friday, a Papal Mass will be held in Saint' Peter'due south Basilica, followed past the stations of the cross, or Via Crucis. The Pope will read a meditation in various languages while a huge cross with burning lights helps to create an especially moving experience, fifty-fifty for those who aren't religious. The Pope will lead an Easter Mass on Sun followed past an appearance on the cardinal loggia of Saint Peter'southward Basilica to deliver a approving "to the City and to the Earth," known in Italian every bit Urbi et Orbi.

Rome Events in April

  • Settimana della Cultura – The Calendar week of Culture is typically held in mid-Apr, though the exact dates aren't usually released until just before the effect. During this time, national museums and archeological sites offer gratuitous admission and some sites non normally open to the public may be open. In Rome, this unremarkably includes the National Roman Museum and the Capitoline Museums, among many others.
  • Rome'due south Birthday – April 21 is Rome's birthday, the day in 753 BC that Romulus founded the Eternal City. Rome's monuments, archaeological sites and many museums let gratuitous entry, and there are a number of special events that take place throughout the urban center. In that location are concerts on Piazza del Campidoglio, a parade, historical re-enactments at the Circus Maximus, the large field where chariot races were one time held, and fireworks over the River Tiber. Many of the events mostly take place the weekend closest to April 21st.
  • Liberation Day – This holiday is celebrated throughout Italy, and many tourist shops, museums and restaurants will exist airtight. Information technology marks the twenty-four hours in 1945 on which the Partisans rose up and overthrew Mussolini and the Germans, bringing the Second World State of war to an cease. Concerts, political rallies and parades take place in many towns, though Rome plays host to the most of the events, including the "Historical Path of Liberation," a re-enactment in Western farsi-Nuccitelli Square that includes actors and historians.

Rome Events in May

  • International Workers' Day – May kicks off with International Workers' Mean solar day on May 1, or Labour Solar day as it'southward also called. This national vacation is celebrated throughout the country, including Rome, which hosts a free stone concert on Piazza San Giovanni, the very popular Concerto del Primo Maggio (1st of May Concert) featuring a host of famous bands and songwriters that starts in the early on afternoon and continues until around midnight.
  • Open House Roma – On the first weekend in May in that location are free guided tours of buildings and architecture studios in the city (reservations required).
  • Italian Open up Tennis Tournament – The Internazionali BNL d'Italia, or Italian Open, is held in early- to mid-May each year at the Stadio Olimpico'south lawn tennis courts. The nine-day event tends to bring out many major tennis stars who apply it equally a warmup to the French Open up.

Rome Events in June

  • Festa della Repubblica – Republic Day is a large national holiday held on June 2 each yr, similar to Independence Day in other countries. It commemorates the nation becoming a Republic in 1946 after the terminate of Earth War 2. An enormous parade takes place along the Via dei Fori Imperiali. Later on, there is music in the Quirinale Gardens.
  • Festa di San Giovanni – The Banquet of Saint John (San Giovanni) on June 24 celebrates the birth of Saint John the Baptist, with much of the festival taking place around his namesake church, the white Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano. During the twenty-four hour period, the San Giovanni neighborhood is filled with people dining on snails, porchetta (pork roasted with herbs) and other local specialties that are served past stalls set upwardly in front of the basilica. Later dark, the piazza is beautifully lit with torches, while concerts and fireworks as well accept identify.
  • Saints Peter and Paul Twenty-four hour period – This religious vacation held on June 29, celebrates two of Catholicism's about important saints. Special masses are held at Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican and San Paolo Fuori Le Mura.
  • Gay Village Festival – This festival runs for about six weeks, starting in mid-June. It's popular with all Romans and features music, trip the light fantastic toe parties, theater performances and a film festival.

Rome Events in July

  • Expo Tevere – Taking identify from early- to mid-July, this huge arts and crafts off-white takes place forth the banks of the Tiber River from Ponte Sant'Angelo to Ponte Cavour. It features stands that sell artisan foods including olive oils and vinegars as well as wines and diverseness of unique goods, perfect for those who are hoping to find an authentic, unique souvenir to bring dwelling.
  • Alto Roma Fashion Week – This bi-annual fashion week is held each twelvemonth in early on- to mid-July and includes a number of fashion shows and exhibitions that are open to the public. It offers the chance to have in all the action on the catwalk, check out the upcoming winter's haute couture, savour fine art shows and even bump elbows with up-and-coming designers.
  • Festa dei Noantri – The "Festival for the Residue of Us" is focused around the Feast of Santa Maria del Red. It celebrates the working-grade heritage of the Trastevere neighborhood and the Madonna of Mount Carmel. The very local festival includes the statue of Santa Maria, donning handmade finery, passed around from church to church, accompanied by musicians and religious pilgrims. Held in one of city's most lively nightlife quarters, you can expect enough of food, vino and dancing, equally well every bit an impressive fireworks display to cap off the result.

Rome Events in August

  • Festival di Caracalla – Evenings at the Opera Under the Stars at the Baths of Caracalla take place from late July through the first week of August. The program is held at what was considered the cultural hub and vibrant social spot in Ancient Rome. Now the ruins, centuries later, have get an open up-air improvised stage welcoming thousands of visitors and locals each summer.
  • Festa della Madonna della Neve – this festival held on August v, celebrates the miraculous summer snowfall that was said to have occurred dorsum in the year 352. Legend says that the Madonna appeared in Pope Liberio's dream, and told him to build a church building where he saw fresh-fallen snow the post-obit day. The next day, Romans awoke to find the ground covered in snow, and Basilica di Santa Maria was built on the site. The event is re-enacted each year with a flurry of white flower petals that float down from the roof of the basilica onto the crowds below, accompanied by a special sound and light evidence.
  • Ferragosto – The vacation of Assumption on August fifteen, is the traditional start of Italians' summertime holidays. Nigh museums and tourist sites stay open, as well as shops in the downtown expanse, but many other shops and businesses shut downward for the 24-hour interval. While locals normally head to the declension or the mountains, those who stay in town can expect to take part in dance and music festivals, including Gran Ballo di Ferragosto, which fills Rome's squares with live dance performances, with a unlike type of trip the light fantastic toe in each square.

Rome Events in September

  • Sagra dell'Uva – This harvest festival held in early September takes place at the basilica of Constantine in the Forum, offering visitors the run a risk to honor the grape. Grapes are sold at bargain prices, along with nutrient and wine. It also includes lots of music and folksy street entertainment.
  • Notte Bianca Festival – The White Night Festival which takes identify in mid-September, stages a various assortment of concerts, trip the light fantastic toe, art and theater events, with many shops, art galleries and museums remaining open through the nighttime. Most every music genre is covered, and it fifty-fifty includes magicians and circus performers as well equally a number of stalls selling all sorts of items.
  • Arts and Antique Fairs – There are a number of craft fairs held in Rome during the month of September for those who are in the market for fine art, antiques or Italian crafts. The antiques off-white in Via dei Coronari starts in mid-September and runs for an entire calendar month, while an art fair held along Via Margutta, ane of Rome'due south most picturesque streets known for its drove of trendy art studios, takes place around the aforementioned fourth dimension. During the final calendar week of September, Via dell'Orso near Piazza Navona, hosts a crafts fair.

Rome Events in Oct

  • RomaEuropa Festival – Each fall, Rome plays host to this festival that'south sometimes referred to every bit the Festival of Modernity. The most prestigious art and music festival in the metropolis, information technology takes place throughout the month of October and November with a variety of music concerts at the Auditorium and in the main theatres and squares of Rome.
  • International Flick Festival of Rome – Taking place during the second half of October (sometimes into November) at the Auditorium Parco della Musica, the International Film Festival is a true red rug event, showcasing a variety of international premieres, documentaries, exhibitions, alive shows and concerts. It attracts of bevy of A-list stars, similar Susan Sarandon and Martin Scorcese, forth with local celebrities such as Monica Belluci.
  • Halloween – Although Halloween isn't an Italian holiday, it'due south become increasingly popular in contempo years, specially amidst young adults. Many of the city's nightclubs host Halloween costume parties, offer the chance to dress upward and go out dancing.

Rome Events in November

  • All Saints Twenty-four hour period – November 1 is a public holiday, and a fourth dimension when Italians call up their deceased loved ones by visiting cemeteries and graves. Many Romans visit churches and some fifty-fifty head to Rome's catacombs.
  • The Roma Jazz Festival – This jazz festival takes places throughout the second one-half of November and includes performances from Italian equally well as international musicians that accept place in the Auditorium Parco della Musica.
  • Feast of Saint Cecilia – Celebrating the patron saint of all musicians, the Feast of Saint Cecilia is an all-day event on November 22, held in Trastevere'south Basilica Santa Cecilia too as the Catacombs of San Callisto, featuring enough of live music and oral fissure-watering cuisine.

Rome Events in Dec

  • Christmas Markets – Rome's Christmas Markets open in early December and run through January six. The famous Piazza Navona market is a favorite with its stalls selling handmade gifts, children's toys, birth crafts and succulent Italian vacation treats.
  • Feast of the Immaculate Virgin – On this December 8th vacation marker the Immaculate Formulation, the Pope celebrates a religious function at the Castilian Steps, leading a procession from the Vatican to Piazza di Spagna where he lays a wreath on the Virgin Mary Statue. He then moves on to requite mass at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore.
  • Santa Lucia Solar day – The feast day of Santa Lucia, Dec xiii, includes a procession from Castel Sant'Angelo to Saint Peter'southward Square.
  • Christmas Eve/Christmas – Christmas Eve is a time spent with family, visiting Christmas markets and seeing the completion of nascence displays every bit the baby Jesus is added. In Saint Peter's Foursquare, this is when the nativity display is unveiled. Many also attend midnight mass at Saint Peter'due south Basilica, the 2nd largest church building in the Christian earth, where the Pope delivers his speech to a vast crowd in person and beyond the globe, with the broadcast going out to more than 40 countries.
  • Festa di San Silvestro/New year's day'due south Eve – December 31st in Rome brings hundreds of celebrations that take identify throughout the dark, with all the metropolis's magnificent churches and sometime piazzas donning spectacular decoration. Piazza del Popolo holds the largest public celebration, featuring music, dancing and fireworks to ring in the new yr.

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